
Shogi forums

Forum is a very good place to communicate and discuss some problems. It is possible to exchange opinions, learn interesting information and get answer on different questions. Efficiency of participation in forums depend on such factors as activity members and language to discuss. It is a pity but not all forums have english version.

The most popular russian language forum. News, commentary, pulls. Quite active forum.

The most popular forum in non-japanese shogi world. Representives from Japan, North America, European and other countries take part in this forum. Activity is high. Communication and interface in English. It is possible to use archives materials. This resource named as Discussion list but we consider it as forum because of various topics on Shogi-L.

Quite active German forum. Japanese participants also take part in this forum. A good feature of German forum that there is topics in German and in English.

Frehch language forum. A lot of questions concearning French shogi events. Quite active forum.

Forum with low activity. German language is dominant one on Austrian forum.

Russian shogi forum (from December 2003). Information for beginners and players with some shogi experience. In Russian.

The youngest shogi forum (from June 2006). In Slovak.

Shogi forum of japanese chess in Thailand. In Thai language.


Andrei Kasperovich, 2006

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